Thursday 2 August 2012


It was a heated debate at a friend’s house on Sunday evening,like every other discussion guys engage in, it was a supremacy of opinion battle, and the question that popped up, was; what business can one really do, now vat we have left school, and shades of opinion began to appear, at first, i was a loner in the debate, that is one against four, bur as the debate progressed, i was able to win thethree others to my side, ok bur first, we have to know wat both sides were all about. One side was on making quick money without having really to be stressed out in the process, and my own side of the divide was vat good things do not comeso easily, there has to be the element of hard work, self discipline, self denial, u must be able to allow any little capital youput into a business grow, withouthaving to take from it, i was of the opinion that it is important tohunt for a job first, then save some money for your own business, vats if u do not alreadyhave a start up capital. And moreover, quick money is difficult to manage, it intoxicates, it comes and goes like a whirl wind. I also made another important point which they seconded, it was, that it does not matter your kind of business, is the brand u give to it, and also, no person would market ur stuff foru, other than yourself, after you have succeeded in having a brand, the brand will sell itself, a good example of brands today are brands like coca cola, the cardbury brands, they sell for themselves, no matter the price tags. I made a point vat, the richest persons in the world are bosses (sic) of themselves, they work under no man, they started somewhere. You must be able to start from somewhere. Billionairesare not made in a day. The last point i made was that ideas drive the world, when u have a good proposal for a new business, any body can buy into it, ur idea sells itself, it is the most important of all the aforementioned, any bank will be willing to give a loan if ur proposal is well presented and well laid out, an body would be willing to sponsor your new T.V show, if the idea behind it is unique. Here are some suggested businesses you can start up with little or no capital: EVENT PLANNING, AND MANAGEMENT. ORGANISING MUSICAL/COMEDY SHOWS. T.V SHOWS, (SOAPS OR REALITY T.V) MAGAZINE PUBLISHING/ CLASSIFIED ADDS MAGAZINE. SNAIL FARMING. FISHERY. POULTRY. PIGGERY. Your comments to this post are very important

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